How to increase potential: effective ways

Is your potential not the same as before? No need to be disappointed, because today we will tell you how to improve it without the use of drugs and chemicals. Be super macho and conquer women!

Of course, you can use an expensive advertised tool, but will it help you? In most cases, the drug only works for a short time - 2-3 hours. After all, you wouldn’t take a pill every time before intimacy. So close to the hospital - you will have problems not only with potency, but also with the liver and kidneys.

If your potential is good and the problem is that it has been slightly reduced than before, natural remedies will help you. If your boyfriend doesn’t react to anything, the only solution is to see a doctor.

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How to increase potency in men: is it possible?

If you follow the tips and suggestions we present below, you will see an improvement in 2-3 weeks. Don't expect immediate results.

First of all, you need to forget about all bad habits - smoking, drinking, fast food. Yes, it’s really hard, but even worse you have problems with sex. Think about what you love more - your masculine strength or addiction?

How to increase potency at home with folk remedies

Our tips will help you make changes for the better, and your women will definitely notice it. So let's get started:

  • Zinc and vitamin B. Testosterone is a hormone that controls libido. If you have a problem with potency, the reason for this is low testosterone levels. To raise it naturally, we recommend using supplements that contain zinc and B vitamins, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Also include brown rice, turkey, cheese, bananas, avocado and fish in your diet.
  • Ginkgo Biloba. This plant extract has been used in Asia to increase potency for centuries. It increases blood circulation and thus increases blood flow to the penis.
  • Less pressure. Stressful situations can lead to problems in your personal life. Even if you have a nervous job, try not to focus on stress and distractions - think of something good, do meditation, listen to good music. In most cases, when the tension is gone, libido is restored.
  • Say no to unhealthy eating habits. The more processed and unhealthy foods you consume, the worse your potential. Forget sweets and candies, white flour baked goods, fast food, sausages and meats. All these foods kill your masculine strength.
  • Ginseng. You can buy it in the form of tincture in pharmacies or make tea from it. It effectively treats erectile dysfunction and increases sexual arousal. Unfortunately, ginseng extract has a high price, so not everyone can afford such.
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What foods increase potency: a list of the best

To restore masculine strength, you need to eat properly and include certain foods in your daily diet. Here they are:

  • Asparagus.
  • celery.
  • Dill seeds.
  • bananas.
  • Arugula.
  • Fresh herbs.
  • Fresh seafood.
  • Spices - chili and curry, ground black pepper.
  • Nuts, especially almonds and walnuts.

Honestly, this product is unlikely to help you if you are overweight and have bad habits. Aphrodisiac foods only work if you follow all the recommendations.

We are confident that our advice will help you and you can improve your sex life.